STALK Series 03, 200 x 180 cm, Oil on canvas, 2014

Hale Işık’s seventh solo exhibition entitled ‘Gövde/Stalk’ comprises a series of work produced in about a five years of process. The sentiments that are leaning on the roots such as land-settlement, bundles-heaps ve creating defence mechanisms, gathering the power in a single stalk and, shaping  all the senses of the body generate the basic starting point of the exhibition.

Hale Işık’s works produced for Gövde/Stalk series are created by feeling the existence of a fluid area of consciousness that gathers each of us as a part of a huge family of humanity who are connected with each other beyond the games of perception and power.

The works in the series consist of paintings and sculptures that get in contact with the psychical materials of nature.

Nest, 216 x 95 x 90 cm, Paper mache, fiber, wood, 2015-2016


Our bodies are the houses that hide and harbour the essence as a spark…

The idea that we are only made up of the body with the dilatory- fallacious effects of senses leaves us spiritually alone in that house.

Discovery of the inner world helps us to recognize how vast that house is and to feel how we are really at home in this world.

In this sense, the world becomes a nest in an inner nature where there is no concept of boundary and its vastness.

To be in this life with a human body, to be interwoven with the whole world of being in this nature had been an important and vital area of knowledge in all ancient cultures. They used to carry the knowledge that when people learn to see they recognize that they are very closely connected with the profound network of life thus they could reach a boundless-vast inner ground and power by overcoming the limits of bodily boundaries.

The works in the series are created by feeling the existence of a fluid area of consciousness that gathers each of us as a part of a huge family of humanity who are connected with each other beyond the games of perception and power.

The paintings in the series are based on transferring a feeling created by the entities such as the bodies joining into to atmosphere of the woods that are trying to determine each other’s field with the sense of being safe in the nest by creating an area to itself in space.

STALK Series 02, 200 x 180 cm, Oil On Canvas, 2015

Exhibition comprises a series of works produced in about five years and includes the sculptures that are based on the concepts of Stalk and Nest.

While the sculpture ‘Stalk’ made of dyed fabrics constituting a body by coming together in bundles in a long period of time presents a body that became a kind of totem questioning the notion of power and its attribution to body, the sculpture ‘Nest’ tries to connect with nature with a lot more instinctive way of behaviour.

The basic material of Nest sculpture is paper-mache and it assembles a compounded structure constituted by hundreds of swallow nests weaved one within the other by bringing together the millimetric pieces just like a swallow makes his nest.

Dressing oneself up with the nature, wrapping oneself up with an animal hide, being attracted to hidden power of nature, hearing about all of its voices, tracking and chasing one another, experiencing its savage state and having a sense of belonging some place are still the most instinctive knowledges in our roots.

‘STALK’ word that is the title of this exhibition precisely steps in right here. While the word means plant stem it also has connotations such as to flounce, to shadow. It reminds us the plant stems and the animal bodies and their voices and their pattern of behaviours.

The sentiments that are leaning on the roots such as land-settlement, bundles-heaps and creating defence mechanisms, gathering the power in a single stalk and, shaping all the senses of the body generate the basic starting point of the exhibition.

Just like the cells that generate body, it contains the embodiment of living together and the nature’s awareness of unity as its core idea.

Exhibition can be seen on April 6 to 30 at Cibali Cam Fabrikası that is organised as an exhibition space for the first time.

Cibali Cam Fabrikası,  Müstantik Caddesi No: 2 Cibali

Exhibition is open everyday between 10:00 and 19:00.

STALK Series 17, 200 x 200 cm, Oil On Canvas, 2015
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